
だぁれも おっけ なんていってない!


(English follow Japanese)

<拡散希望> これが私たちの本意だ!

昨夜遅く鎌倉の仲間のミュージシャン “はっと”こと服部卓明さんから「今回の集団的自衛権の閣議決定は国民の総意ではないと海外に発信しませんか?」と声をかけてもらいました。
そこでTeam LINKSと はっとさんのコラボで作ったのがこれ。



The cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe reached a decision on lifting a ban on exercising the right to collective self-defense on July 1. The government never have national dialogue so it is completely ignore the will of the people.
The thousands of protesters against them and took place in front of the prime minister’s office June 30 and July 1. We would not recognize the government’s move to enact new laws related to the right to collective self-defense.
We wish YOU know what the great mass of Japanese people think.
So please SHARE this post and let the world know what is going on right here.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
